Simple In/Out Public Links by Group

As we near the end of the year, we’re really excited about the new features we have in store for 2018. Before New Years, we’ve shipped an upgrade to Public Links we want to share.

Public Links are an amazing way to share your Simple In/Out data with everyone, including people who don’t have Simple In/Out accounts within your company. Not everyone needs an account and a place on your board themselves. Maybe you have some outside contractors, sister companies, or temporary employees. Maybe you have a digital signage product and need a link that doesn’t require signing in with your password. Maybe you have a company wiki or intranet that is already authenticated and you’d like to include your board for easy viewing. For any of these purposes, Public Links have worked great in Simple In/Out for years.

We’ve now made Public Links even more powerful. Previously, you could only have one Public Link. Now, you can have many Public Links. You can choose whether your Public Link displays your entire organization or is restricted to only a particular group. You can also now choose whether the time the updates were made is visible or hidden. This allows you to craft several Public Links that works perfectly across all your use cases.