Upgrading Simple In/Out Desktop Beyond 1.6.0

If you have Simple In/Out Desktop version 1.6.0 or earlier installed on your Windows computer, you’ll need to download a new version from our website to upgrade further. Download the latest version from our website.


Microsoft Windows requires apps like Simple In/Out Desktop to be “signed” to verify authenticity. Protecting users against imposter software is something we happily comply with for the good of our users and the peace of mind of IT professionals everywhere.

Signing an app requires we update the “signing certificate” every few years. We recently shipped version 1.6.1 which is the first signed with this new certificate. Everything works great, but we discovered afterward that older versions of Simple In/Out Desktop will no longer update themselves to this latest version due to differences in the signing.

To upgrade past 1.6.0, download the latest version from our website. Once 1.6.1 or later has been installed, Simple In/Out Desktop will accept future updates as it has in the past.

We apologize for this one-time painful update experience due to this change. We hope this is an aberration and future signing updates will be compatible with our updating system. If you have any questions about updating, we’re here to help.