Networks Arrive for Simple In/Out on iPhone

Since 2016, Simple In/Out has sported automatic status updates via Networks. When your phone connects/disconnects from the company WiFi network, Simple In/Out can update your status accordingly. Like our other automatic updating methods, Networks can keep your board current with zero user intervention.

Networks have many advantages over Geofences and Beacons. WiFi networks are smaller than Geofences, larger than Bluetooth areas provided by beacons, and use hardware you’ve likely already installed in your offices. The enormous caveat with Networks has been that we’ve only supported Android devices. Apple has never provided the tools necessary to build this feature for iPhones.

That is, until today. Today, we announce Networks for iPhone with Simple In/Out version 11.0 in the App Store. Networks use the latest technology to deliver automatic status updates based on your phone’s connection to your known WiFi hotspots. If you have Networks already for Android users, iPhone users can activate them within the new Simple In/Out app. If you’re a Simple In/Out administrator who has never created a Network, you can manage them on Here’s a video showing the process.

We’re thrilled to achieve feature parity with Networks across all our phone apps. We anticipate Networks will be immensely popular. Thanks to Stephen and Josh for all their hard work and testing to bring this monumental feature to our iPhone customers worldwide.